Language Studies For Everyone
Equip yourself with new language skills in our English and Chinese classes for working professionals, available to students of all levels. Find the best language course for you today.
Learn your languages in a brand-new way with Edupedia

Certified teachers

Our team of teachers, with at least 5-8 years of experience and certified in CELTA, TESOL, TEFL for English trainers and Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language for Chinese trainers, will deliver the quality training that helps you improve in the shortest amount of time.

Flexible schedule

With a variety of online and offline classes for professionals, as well as the choice between group study and private sessions, you will have complete freedom in deciding what your schedule would look like.

Friendly environment

Not just another language centre – in Edupedia, we prioritise our students’ comfort while studying. By building a warm and welcoming community of learning, we make sure that you will feel right at home in your studies.
Find the most suitable course for you in minutes
Wondering what your language level is? Find out through our simple Placement Test, when you will know exactly where you are and which course is the best place to begin your language learning journey.
At Edupedia, we aim to create the dream environment for working professionals to study

Language classes for all

We understand that studying languages is different for everyone. Working adults begin their language learning from all different levels and purposes – as a result, we want to ensure that no matter what your proficiency is and what you study languages for, we would have the perfect class for you.


An emphasis on growth

We care about the journey of each of our students. All our students will be entitled to a ‘Growth Diary’ throughout their course, which will record their progress for them and their teachers to review. Students will also have access to lesson recordings any time they want to have their revision.


Enjoyable environment

We believe that learning is only effective when you enjoy the environment you are in. Accordingly, in Edupedia, we aim to create an environment that is welcoming and inclusive to our students. Studying should not be a tedious thing, but should be something you enjoy with friends.

Hear From Our Students
Find out how our students have achieved in their language studies
Wong Suki
Wong Suki
Teacher Lois very patience, she make sure everyone can follow her step and Daniel he is friendly.
Coco ooi
Coco ooi
喜欢teacher lois 说英文的英式的口音,很好听
Felicia Lim
Felicia Lim
Teacher Louis 解释得很清楚 整体上课的气氛都很舒服,容易明白。
Yajing Fong
Yajing Fong
Lynn Tan
Lynn Tan
A good environment and feel relax when study here. Thanks teacher lois for her patience.
Teacher Sol classes is very informatic, easy understand and fun, student won't get bored on learning. He will teach based on what classes needed most instead of just follow the module. Will have alot of chances to speak in class. And lastly, staff Daniel is very friendly👍
Jessy Tan
Jessy Tan
Is good to signed Business English Course in Edupedia, Teacher Lois is a good & professional teacher. Her teaching material is clear & easy understand. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Rachel chin
Rachel chin
Teacher Sol 很有耐心,在课堂上有不会的问题,老师会慢慢解释!在课堂上老师也会逗大家笑,就不那么压力!在学习中比较轻松…😂