Certified teachers

Flexible schedule

Friendly environment

Language classes for all
We understand that studying languages is different for everyone. Working adults begin their language learning from all different levels and purposes – as a result, we want to ensure that no matter what your proficiency is and what you study languages for, we would have the perfect class for you.
An emphasis on growth
We care about the journey of each of our students. All our students will be entitled to a ‘Growth Diary’ throughout their course, which will record their progress for them and their teachers to review. Students will also have access to lesson recordings any time they want to have their revision.
Enjoyable environment
We believe that learning is only effective when you enjoy the environment you are in. Accordingly, in Edupedia, we aim to create an environment that is welcoming and inclusive to our students. Studying should not be a tedious thing, but should be something you enjoy with friends.